overall this is a well done piece. better than what i make X) . it'd work great as an ambient piece. I suggest some alternate drum parts if you ever work on it again.
overall this is a well done piece. better than what i make X) . it'd work great as an ambient piece. I suggest some alternate drum parts if you ever work on it again.
that sounds like a good idea, I'll look into that. thanks for the review^_^
lol wtf was that guy on
lol i didnt understand him either. I like this piece, really Middle Eastern, and all the intruments sound very authentic/appropriate for the genre. I think it'd be cool if you put a chorus/vocal sound in for another melody.
Heh yeah that guy is crazy...
Yeah I'll try to add a sort of chorus or vocal for my next song.. Eh.. whenever that is. :-D Still need some ideas.
this is a very groovy song. don't get me wrong, but it's not really intense fight music =P . i'm always amazed at good drums because i can't make good drumloops to save my life XD . the echo effect on the higher synth is cool. 5/5 from me.
check out some of my stuff, later
Heh. Yeah check out Garageband. It has some nice loops.
I never got into the metroid series, not my type of game. Cool song though. You make awesome music man, keep it up. 5/5 to many of your songs from me.
I never got into it much really, but some of the music is actually good. Thanks for the review
god damn
this is sweet. i think the drums are very well done, a steady beat sometimes takes away rather than adding to the song. hey layman, maybe you can teach me to use automation effects sometime?
hit me up at aim: fdillich
msn :
Ya dude, no prob. Haha, I want a screen shot of this- two songs on the techno front page?!...this should last, what, an hour tops? Thanks for the review man!
good mixing, bad melody
what the title says. sounds pretty good channel wise. if you make a new melody its got some strong potential. the melody you have right now isn't that good though lol. also try adding in some other drum stuff in addition to just the kick.
Yeah..the main point of posting this song up was to see if the melody was good or not....guess it needs more tweeking..
Thanks anyway.
you can't really tell that you reversed it except in a few places, which adds to the power of this song. very well done.
Thanks for your vote, franklind23! You voted 5 for The Forgotten Symphony, raising its score from 0.00 to 5.00.
thanks man, yea i was just messin around reversin it, but it added a nice quality to it, so i sticked with it.
well done, but...
this song is very well done, it's easy to tell that you put 110% into your songs. It's lacking in 2 places though. the beginning drums could've been alot phatter, and had you added a sweet guitar near the beginning it would be really blood pumping. (Listen to J E N O V A by The Black Mages if you want to know what i mean)
thanks for the review. sorry that it was perfect, but i appreciate the 9
industrial meets techno =D
sweet song man. i like the robot/machinery like drum beats, constant and strong. The synths that bounce around the panning are very well done.
what is the audio clip in the middle? from a movie?
Thanks for the review, glad you liked it. This was a beat I did for a student film project. This is the remixed version and I threw in a few lines from the movie for fun. Late!
i love it. very nice. i no criticisms at all...
Thanks alot.
Hey whoever is looking at my profile. I hope you like my music. I'm always up for a chat about music, my AIM is fdillich , and my MSN is
Age 36, Male
Hanover High School
Mechanicsville , VA
Joined on 8/14/04